Miyerkules, Abril 8, 2015

Safety Tips in Foreign Taxi

Taxi is one of the most convenient forms of transportation; however, some passengers have been reported to be victimized by taxi drivers.   It is important to be  aware  of the safety precautions, especially  if this involves a foreign taxi.  Below are some tips, so that being in a foreign will not be that worrisome.

Look for cab stands.  You usually find them since they are where people are. They are usually safe compared to those who just pass by.   Drivers are licensed and they are authorized to carry passengers. You should also look for similarities to make sure that the taxi is from an existing company.

Check for legitimacy. Legitimate taxis have the phone numbers on their company posted on the door  or roof as this is a form of  advertising the company.  Legitimate taxis have taxi meter and a radio as well.  This is a way of communicating, so  if you do not see a radio, do not  get in. You should also check for any form of identification. There should be a tag that contains the name of the driver, his picture and the name and phone number of the company where he works.

Have knowledge about your destination.  Though you are not totally familiar with the ways and your destination, at least, know where you are going to.  Do not be  obvious that you  are totally lost and disoriented.  Show confidence and be alert.  Look for landmarks to make sure that you are on the right way.

Secure your valuables.  Keep your bags close to you. As much as possible, do not show gadgets, wallet, jewelry or other valuables to the driver.  You should also check if there is a door handle to be safe.  As much as possible, do not ride with someone else.  It is not safe to share a taxi with a stranger.  That may be an accomplice of an illegitimate taxi and you and your valuable may be at risk. If something happens, make sure whom to call. Know how to dial emergency numbers.

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